Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Financial Meltdown... continued...


Another day, another rollercoaster. How can I survive until Nov. 4? Perhaps only with my blog sisters. Otherwise, I would surely succumb to the madness surrounding me.

I found myself Laughing Out Loud!! today upon hearing that John McCain now wants to postpone the debate because he needs to solve the financial crisis.

Can you say DESPERATE? Can you say TRANSPARENT PANDERING LIAR? All of a sudden, the future of our nation's financial solvency depends on John McCain, whose campaign chair has been taking money from Fannie Mae until last month.

How many lies does he think the American people will swallow?

As one Politico blogger put it, the only difference between today and yesterday is the polls +10 for Obama.

I cannot believe HOW STUPID THIS ALL IS and that there are people STUPID ENOUGH to fall for McCain's desperate Karl Rove tactics. God help us! How does one deal with people who willfully, knowingly CHOOSE to be ignorant, uninformed and proud of it? Is that Middle America? People - READ A NEWSPAPER!

There are issues of life and death, survivability of our country, our species, the world!!

And McSame and idiot Palin think they should run the world.

I am sick, sick, sick of it.

I hope you have all sent e-mails and phone calls to your Senators and Representatives to say NO TO THE FINANCIAL BAILOUT!

How can we trust this incompetent, lying Adminstration with anything? WE CAN'T and SHOULD NOT!!

Many respectable economists (much smarter than Paulson and Bernanke) have PUT FORWARD ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS. Read them; they actually make some sense.

Let's review them, through the normal legislative process of Committee hearings and staff work. The deadline you hear is totally artificial. Warren Buffett is enough to stabilize the markets.

It is absolutely crazy to say "Yes, we belive Doomsday is near so do what you must, Mr. Paulson." Bless you Barney Frank for standing up to him!

BUSH IS A LIAR. I hope I don't throw up watching his speech tonight. It will certainly provide some fodder for tomorrow's post. I will be screaming at the television, of course.


Thanks for reading; I welcome your thoughts.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Stop the Press! Bailout Is A LIE!!

The more I read and learn, the more I say: "Stop the Press."

The Bush $700 billion bailout is another lie. JUST SAY NO.

Congress: Do Not Fall For This. American People: Do Not Stand For This. DO NOT BAIL OUT THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION and its Wall Street Cronies.

Just off the wires: the FBI is investigating Fannie, Freddie, AIG and Lehman for their role in starting this crisis.

Taxpayers: Do not allow the Bush Administration to pass off this catastrophe to a future President Obama.

LET THE CHIPS FALL! I do not believe Paulson and Bernanke and their "Sky is Falling" cries.

Maybe this country needs to go through a recession to get its house in order. So be it. Everyone needs to learn to live within their means.

But once we get through this recession, at least President Obama won't have another trillion dollars in Bush-generated debt.

This is all crazy: a financial crisis 8 years in the making and now suddenly we have to bail out Wall Street by Friday? This is insanity.

Both parties should say NO. We'll find another solution.

Remember, Bush/Cheney lied about Iraq, about Patriot Act, about terrorism, about torture, about every other thing the Bush Administration tried to slip past the American people in the dark of night.

JUST SAY NO TO A BAILOUT! Write and phone your Congressmen and Senators, and Chris Dodd, and Chuck Schumer and everyone else.

From one FED UP AMERICAN who wants the truth! ACT NOW TO STOP THIS.

Thanks and post your thoughts.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

One Week Later...

It's been a week since I started this journal. What a turbulent week indeed.

The economic meltdown is putting my children's future further in debt and in doubt. Don't get me started. That will be the subject of a separate post. My revulsion at the whole cast of players is intense. Why are they not being asked to answer the question: why weren't you paying attention? The only way our government, in this day and age, can pass legislation or agree on action is when they are forced to in a crisis or emergency. The checks and balances have collapsed. Every American citizen should be calling for heads to roll.

But on the campaign front, I feel cheered because I have begun to conquer my gloom through action. I MUST take action. Every single person matters in this batteground state and I must be able to look back and say that I, personally, did everything I could.

Event #1: I attended a "Women for Obama" rally on Friday in Sterling. Joe Biden spoke, along with Sen. Mikulski and a Virginia State Senator. His wife and some family members were also there. I was very close the stage and had a very good look at the man. The key words to describe him are authentic and committed. He talked about legislation he has passed to help women, including a bill to create national hotlines for battered women, "The Violence Against Women Act," I think is the name. I had no idea Biden was even involved in women's issues. Hearing him and the others renewed my hope and commitment. The crowd was a mix of races, ages and genders, as is every Obama event.

Event #2: Yesterday, Saturday, I joined a neighborhood canvassing effort. I was a little nervous at first, but quickly realized how incredibly important this face to face contact with undecided voters is. I knocked on about 50 doors. About half of those people were home.

There were several people I had conversations with that I think made a difference, in particular with two brothers in the late '20's. One of them is a Liberatarian and both of them were thinking about not voting; feeling disillusioned by the electoral process. Both were articulate, well-informed and well-read. I spent nearly 30 minutes at their doorstep discussing the economy, foreign affairs, the financial crisis, etc. We concluded the conversation with their promise to read more deeply into Obama's views and a promise to vote! It was time well spent.

Then I had another conversation with a woman immigrant from Kyrgistan (now obviously a US citizen). She told me that she came to the United States 12 years ago in search of freedom, but was now very afraid that if the Republicans win, that freedom she cherishes would be eroded (especially in women's rights). We talked for awhile and I recruited her as a volunteer for the campaign. We both said good bye with tears in our eyes, knowing how very much in our lives and the life of this country depends on the outcome in November.

The volunteers who spread out Saturday morning across my community were a beautiful tapestry: young, old (ladies with canes), men, women, different ethnic backgrounds. It gives me hope to know the support for Obama stretches so wide and deep.

Event #3: Saturday night I attended a town hall forum at George Mason University. The guests were Madeleine Albright, Richard Clarke and Cong. Jane Harman of Calif. The hall was packed! There spoke urgently about the state of the world and drew the stark contrast in approaches to our national and global problems we can expect from either candidate. I live for this stuff so it was invigorating and again made me want to take action to use my voice and words.

After the panel ended, Richard Clarke stayed and talked with some of us. One elderly woman was in tears almost (after hearing the list of global issues we must confront), saying "How can any one man do all that needs to be done?" We all wonder that, of course. He assured her Barack will surround himself with good people, that it is possible. A very honest question, though...

The panel had done 4 other meetings across the state of Virginia yesterday. Things are grim in other parts of the state. If I really want to get out of my comfort zone, I will take some time off work and go knock on doors in southwest Virginia or Hamptons Road area, truly another universe from my peers and surroundings. I'm giving it serious thought.

Every day matters a lot. I will do my best. Please post your thoughts. Thank you.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Maybe There Is Still Hope

Yesterday I was about to give up. Today is looking a little brighter with some new polls. I just need to take more deep breaths.

I'm sending a link for an article in today's edition of "Mudflats," a wonderfully written Alaskan blog. In it, the author gives us all hope that there is still enough time to educate voters on the entirety of the Palin record and persona. I feel better having read it.

Thank you, Mudflats!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Close to Giving Up

I think I must give up on my idea for a rally day when women across the country decide to make themselves heard. I don't see a way it can be done nor do I plan to pursue a rally in Fairfax County this month. I surrender to the forces stronger than me. It's too hard.

Perhaps the best strategy to pursue going forward was proposed by one of our readers who commented on the original September 13 post. Her idea is simply to show up at McCain Palin events and seek to be heard with a positive Obama message. She helpfully posted upcoming campaign events throughout the country.

Many people in the media and in blogs are writing very important things about the state of the campaign. I am thankful they can find the words.

Right now, my despair at the prospect of a Palin McCain presidency has me almost paralyzed. It's like I realized today that nothing I do will matter anyway.

I know the answer to that negativity is to take action and to be hopeful. I will try to get there. Maybe I need to stop watching the news or reading the blogs.

But taking action means trying to convince people who choose to remain ignorant, uninformed and are proud of it. How can I find the energy to do that? How does one find the words and patience to debate with right wing zealots?

So for now, I'm kind of giving up. I'm not cut out for politics.

But I hope others will want to continue this talking with me through this site. I live in the Washington, D.C. area and have no idea really what the rest of the country actually thinks. I can only guess from what I read. Are the battleground states really going to keep the Republicans in power after the disaster Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld have made of this country on so many levels?

I wish there were a way to fast forward to November 4, because now I just dread having to enduring the daily lies, slander, drivel, and insults to the intelligence of thinking Americans that I know we will hear from the McCain campaign. And my worst fear is that a majority piece of the electorate is going to fall for it all and the country will get a McCain Palin nightmare for the next four years.

Florida got us Bush in 2000; Ohio gave us Bush in 2004. Which of these states will give us McCain/Palin this year?

If anyone has any successful strategies to help me shake off my gloom, please tell me. I really do want to go out there and start making a difference. I feel powerless, though, because my passion has evaporated; I just want it to be over.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Palin Doctrine

The Palin Doctrine, according to Ariana Huffington. A bit of comic relief to highlight how truly ridiculous the current Republican antics are. David Brooks in New York Times also had a good piece today. I will know about about a Fairfax Rally later this week.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Fairfax County, VA on September 27

Stay tuned. I am planning an event for Fairfax County, Virginia on September 27. I hope this will serve as a template for events around the country. Please check back frequently for updates.

Glad to be Here

I am very glad my sister/friend has invited me to join your blog. We need more thinking women who will speak out against the McCain/Palin disaster.

We Need A National Rally on September 27

As I continue to research the blogosphere, I see many, many citizens who are as worried and upset about a possible Palin presidency as I am. There are many voice and sites.

Please spread the word about the following idea:

Women across the United States and in our cities, town and communities must collectively rally and in massive numbers raise our voices on September 27 to say "Sarah Palin Does Not Speak For Me."

Our voices have been lost in the collective hysteria over the Palin show. The media is writing the narrative and shaping the outcome of our election by convincing the electorate that Sarah Palin has already won the women's vote.

This must stop. Start spreading the idea to your networks of friends, colleagues and contacts of a National Rally on September 27 against the Palin candidacy.

Let's start planning a nationwide rally in every city and community to make ourselves heard.

Through this blog, let's put together press releases, talking points etc.

See also the site: There you will find other listings.

DOES ANYONE HAVE CONTACTS IN THE NATIONAL MEDIA? We need to start to plant the seeds of a national day when women speak out and bring the campaign back to the issues.

Let's reclaim some sanity in this election and make ourselves heard. Please respond to this entry and let's get going. We all need to make this happen.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Let's Combine Our Energy

Hi all, I just started my own blog September 13 and we need to combine our energies:

I share the views expressed on your site and am gratified that so many people feel the same way.

Our voices must be heard. The media is writing the story right now. And it's all about the amazing, unstoppable Palin. She must be stopped.

I suggest we organize a National Day of Protest on September 27 against Sarah Palin and everything she represents, most particularly a clear and present danger to our country.

I would appreciate a message back to my blog from the authors of this site. I think it can be done. We must inform, educate and shake the electorate back to its senses so that we are discussing the ISSUES confronting our country. This is not an American Idol audition or a beauty pageant.

I live in the Washington, D.C. metro area. THERE IS NO TIME TO SPARE. Please, let's find a way to raise awareness ACROSS THE USA on September 27 so that the world and the media can report that most women do not support Palin's extremist views, lack of experience, education, qualifications and dangerous cockiness.

Thank you.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Why I Started This Blog

Today is Saturday, September 13, 2008. I am starting this blog for three reasons:

1. I am terrified at the prospect that a President Palin could have her fingers on our nuclear codes.

2. I feel like I am living in a bad nightmare where a collective madness has overtaken public discourse and the media is leading the charge.

3. I am tired of being put into "white woman" boxes that don't fit.

Who I am: I am a 49-year old "white woman" living outside Washington, D.C. I have been married for 16 years and have a 14-year old son and 12-year old daughter. I have worked for the Federal Government - Department of State - for 24 years. I am very proud of my public service to my country. I have also been a soccer and baseball mom, Girl Scout and PTA mom, and attend church weekly. My family has its "history" as do others. One of my children is a cancer survivor and that has profoundly changed my life. My friends and colleagues would tell you that I am a well-balanced, compassionate professional working mother with many interests and an abiding desire to make the world a better place. I care passionately about many things. I ardently support Barack Obama and Joe Biden. This is who I am.

Honestly, I have fallen into deep despair since John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. My initial reaction, of course, was that it must be a joke. Sadly, it's not. My incredulity has yielded to despair. I have been watching her interviews on ABC, reading everything I can and trying to keep an open mind.

But the bottom line is this: I fear deeply for my country and my children if McCain-Palin are elected.

They will start wars in Iran (or encourage Israel to do so); they will fight Russia; they will do nothing on climate change and alternative energy; they will overturn Roe v. Wade and stack the Supreme Court with right wing extremists; they will cater to the rich; and continue to drain the Treasury to fight their wars while selling our country to China and other "sovereign wealth" funds. Palin is utterly, totally and dangerously unqualified to be Vice President. McCain has turned back on everything he once stood for (I actually liked him in 2000). He will do absolutely anything to win power.

Can any rational, thinking person believe otherwise?

And I cannot understand why the American electorate seems to be "falling for it."

Yes, I confess that I a highly educated, well-informed, well-traveled professional woman. I am one of the loathesome "educated, Eastern elite." How is it that in the current madness, being smart, informed, thoughtful and intellectually curious have become liabilities?

What I am beginning to realize, to my horror, is that vast pieces of the American electorate (according to polls, "white women") have fallen for the hoax on American citizens that is Sarah Palin. Men even admit they will vote for her "because she is hot."

Is it remotely conceivable that in this day and age an extreme right wing , uninformed, uneducated, inexperienced, unthinking ("I never blinked") woman could be thrust into the White House? It's like a bad movie plot, but it's real. People are buying this.

Is it that we have become a country that evaluates the world from a "reality show" perspective? Do they think electing the next President of the United States is equivalent to choosing the next "American Idol?"

To me, this is terrifying. Can people truly believe that "fighting" (McCain's favorite word) for change will make it so? Hello - Who has been in charge the last 8 years? Or that having experience and credibility are liabilites? Or that NOT HAVING EXPERIENCE OR JUDGMENT IS A GOOD THING? God help us. The madness is overwhelming.

Look at where we are after 8 years of Republicans: 2 wars without end; a financial system in meltdown; joblessness; homelessness; the world hates us and no longer respects us; our own country's infrastructure is crumbling while we spend billions of dollars in Iraq because Bush-McCain think there can be "victory" in their war of choice. The Republicans have trashed our Constitution, turned us into an Orwellian state, destroyed our image in the world and any ideals and values (such as respect for human rights) that other countries once admired about the United States. Corruption scandals, sex scandals, humiliation (Alberto Gonzalez, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Abramoff); making us believe that torture is legitimate, that the Vice President is not part of the Executive Branch and therefore free to run amok?? The list goes on...

How can the average American not understand what Bush, Cheney (and Rumsfeld in his time) have wrought? They are a disgrace and a very clear and present danger. Bush should have been impeached years ago. How can Americans not understand the dangerous course chosen by Bush in the post 9-11 world? Why does he think "they hate us??" McCain Palin are MORE OF THE SAME. 4 MORE YEARS! Be afraid, be very afraid.

And now John McCain (in another Orwellian slam dunk) is trying to convince voters he is an agent of "change?" He believes in everything Bush believes in. And Palin takes it further.

So: what can we do? We must speak out. We must protest in our communities. We must write letters to the editor (I do and have been published). We must be visible and loud and get some attention! We must shake the electorate out of its STUPOR! We must inform and educate.

We need to start a movement called "Stop the Madness." The American electorate needs to open its eyes and clear its head. We need to tell the media to STOP idolizing the wolf in sheep's clothing that is Palin. People need to be reminded of WHAT IS AT STAKE. This is absolutely the most consequential election of my lifetime and yours. It is about the world my children will inherit.

I would like to start a movement called "THINKING WOMEN FOR OBAMA!" I am sick and tired of polls and the media assuming I should like Palin because we share similar anatomy. I am sick and tired of being lumped into a category like sheep. WOMEN HAVE BRAINS!

Let's make a playbook. Let's make a plan.

Let's find a way to get into our communities across the country to say: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! America: WE NEED A NEW WAY. DON'T BE FOOLED. The future of our country, and indeed the world, is at stake.

So there you have it. That is why I have started this blog. Please join me. Let's raise our voice as THINKING WOMEN FOR OBAMA!

I welcome your thoughts.