Friday, October 17, 2008

Can we just fast forward to November 4?

Is it possible to become numb to bad news? The more the dominoes fall and the fiercer calamity swirls around us, the more unreal it all becomes.

I wish I had confidence that the puppeteers pulling the strings behind the collapse of the global economic system knew what they were doing, but the don't. They are making it up as they go. Numbers don't mean anything at all anymore. $700 billion there; $300 billion there. It's all pretend at this point. Wild daily swings on the stock market? Doesn't mean anything anymore. AIG spending $500,000 to go to a spa with taxpayer bailout money? Oh well. We are all powerless pawns in this massive fraud and deception.

I am just very depressed. Disgusted, angry, helpless in the face of a daily dose of unbelievably bad news from all fronts (let's not forget the Bush wars of choice, Pakistan, melting glaciers, famine, genocide, the shredding of the U.S. Constitution, spying on Americans and the other "news" we hardly hear about amid the noise of the financial catastrophes.)

And now I am supposed to want, per McCain, to spend my taxpayer money to bail out greedy homebuyers who thought they could live in McMansions on a McDonald's salary? Sorry, no way. I have spent my whole life working, saving money, paying bills on time and living within my means like a responsible citizen. It's about time that the profligates learn those lessons. Let them sink. Bad behavior should not be bailed out.

I take heart that the polls show Obama in the lead on many levels: nationally, in battlegrounds, in key counties. But I simply cannot understand how there are still so many people that believe in the Republican ticket - the increasingly incoherent, angry and delusional John McCain and his glaringly stupid, proudly ignorant and vicious running mate? How can any rational person think our country could survive with the two of them in power?

And McCain says in the debate he is "proud of the people who come to his rallies?" Which ones, John? The crazy lady who says Obama is an Arab (already parodied by SNL), the people who shout "kill him," or "terrorist?" McCain you are an evil man. You want power at any cost, in any dishonorable way you can get it. You are sickening. And Palin is a clear and present danger to this country.

I believe Obama will win, and it may be a landslide, but I'm still very terrified that something will happen (an event probably orchestrated by Dick Cheney) to turn the race upside down.

I watched the debates, of course, bringing in my children and the kids from the neighborhood. I keep telling them that this election matters most of all to their futures. They all want Obama.

Obama is so clearly what our country needs. I pray daily that he will be elected and stay safe.

How can we not worry about Obama's safety when the McCain/Palin freak show incites hatred, racism and intentionally sinister lies? An obvious desperate ploy, but there are clearly enough stupid, redneck racists in this country to believe their despicable garbage and revel in it.

So, I wish we could just fast forward through time. Let election day come already. Let's hope the lame election officials in Florida and Ohio and other places can actually run a clean election where the machines work and votes get counted.

And once Obama is elected, he will have a lot of work to do. Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld really destroyed our country in every possible way, with the financial crisis as their "parting gift" to the people. It will take a generation to rebuild. I am ready to start and so are millions of other "thinking people" in the USA.

McCain should then retire and go away forever to Arizona and shut up. Palin can go back to her scandals, shooting wolves and skinning moose in Alaska. And I hope I never hear another word from either of them for the rest of my life.