Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Stop the Press! Bailout Is A LIE!!

The more I read and learn, the more I say: "Stop the Press."

The Bush $700 billion bailout is another lie. JUST SAY NO.

Congress: Do Not Fall For This. American People: Do Not Stand For This. DO NOT BAIL OUT THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION and its Wall Street Cronies.

Just off the wires: the FBI is investigating Fannie, Freddie, AIG and Lehman for their role in starting this crisis.

Taxpayers: Do not allow the Bush Administration to pass off this catastrophe to a future President Obama.

LET THE CHIPS FALL! I do not believe Paulson and Bernanke and their "Sky is Falling" cries.

Maybe this country needs to go through a recession to get its house in order. So be it. Everyone needs to learn to live within their means.

But once we get through this recession, at least President Obama won't have another trillion dollars in Bush-generated debt.

This is all crazy: a financial crisis 8 years in the making and now suddenly we have to bail out Wall Street by Friday? This is insanity.

Both parties should say NO. We'll find another solution.

Remember, Bush/Cheney lied about Iraq, about Patriot Act, about terrorism, about torture, about every other thing the Bush Administration tried to slip past the American people in the dark of night.

JUST SAY NO TO A BAILOUT! Write and phone your Congressmen and Senators, and Chris Dodd, and Chuck Schumer and everyone else.

From one FED UP AMERICAN who wants the truth! ACT NOW TO STOP THIS.

Thanks and post your thoughts.