Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Close to Giving Up

I think I must give up on my idea for a rally day when women across the country decide to make themselves heard. I don't see a way it can be done nor do I plan to pursue a rally in Fairfax County this month. I surrender to the forces stronger than me. It's too hard.

Perhaps the best strategy to pursue going forward was proposed by one of our readers who commented on the original September 13 post. Her idea is simply to show up at McCain Palin events and seek to be heard with a positive Obama message. She helpfully posted upcoming campaign events throughout the country.

Many people in the media and in blogs are writing very important things about the state of the campaign. I am thankful they can find the words.

Right now, my despair at the prospect of a Palin McCain presidency has me almost paralyzed. It's like I realized today that nothing I do will matter anyway.

I know the answer to that negativity is to take action and to be hopeful. I will try to get there. Maybe I need to stop watching the news or reading the blogs.

But taking action means trying to convince people who choose to remain ignorant, uninformed and are proud of it. How can I find the energy to do that? How does one find the words and patience to debate with right wing zealots?

So for now, I'm kind of giving up. I'm not cut out for politics.

But I hope others will want to continue this talking with me through this site. I live in the Washington, D.C. area and have no idea really what the rest of the country actually thinks. I can only guess from what I read. Are the battleground states really going to keep the Republicans in power after the disaster Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld have made of this country on so many levels?

I wish there were a way to fast forward to November 4, because now I just dread having to enduring the daily lies, slander, drivel, and insults to the intelligence of thinking Americans that I know we will hear from the McCain campaign. And my worst fear is that a majority piece of the electorate is going to fall for it all and the country will get a McCain Palin nightmare for the next four years.

Florida got us Bush in 2000; Ohio gave us Bush in 2004. Which of these states will give us McCain/Palin this year?

If anyone has any successful strategies to help me shake off my gloom, please tell me. I really do want to go out there and start making a difference. I feel powerless, though, because my passion has evaporated; I just want it to be over.