Saturday, September 13, 2008

Why I Started This Blog

Today is Saturday, September 13, 2008. I am starting this blog for three reasons:

1. I am terrified at the prospect that a President Palin could have her fingers on our nuclear codes.

2. I feel like I am living in a bad nightmare where a collective madness has overtaken public discourse and the media is leading the charge.

3. I am tired of being put into "white woman" boxes that don't fit.

Who I am: I am a 49-year old "white woman" living outside Washington, D.C. I have been married for 16 years and have a 14-year old son and 12-year old daughter. I have worked for the Federal Government - Department of State - for 24 years. I am very proud of my public service to my country. I have also been a soccer and baseball mom, Girl Scout and PTA mom, and attend church weekly. My family has its "history" as do others. One of my children is a cancer survivor and that has profoundly changed my life. My friends and colleagues would tell you that I am a well-balanced, compassionate professional working mother with many interests and an abiding desire to make the world a better place. I care passionately about many things. I ardently support Barack Obama and Joe Biden. This is who I am.

Honestly, I have fallen into deep despair since John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. My initial reaction, of course, was that it must be a joke. Sadly, it's not. My incredulity has yielded to despair. I have been watching her interviews on ABC, reading everything I can and trying to keep an open mind.

But the bottom line is this: I fear deeply for my country and my children if McCain-Palin are elected.

They will start wars in Iran (or encourage Israel to do so); they will fight Russia; they will do nothing on climate change and alternative energy; they will overturn Roe v. Wade and stack the Supreme Court with right wing extremists; they will cater to the rich; and continue to drain the Treasury to fight their wars while selling our country to China and other "sovereign wealth" funds. Palin is utterly, totally and dangerously unqualified to be Vice President. McCain has turned back on everything he once stood for (I actually liked him in 2000). He will do absolutely anything to win power.

Can any rational, thinking person believe otherwise?

And I cannot understand why the American electorate seems to be "falling for it."

Yes, I confess that I a highly educated, well-informed, well-traveled professional woman. I am one of the loathesome "educated, Eastern elite." How is it that in the current madness, being smart, informed, thoughtful and intellectually curious have become liabilities?

What I am beginning to realize, to my horror, is that vast pieces of the American electorate (according to polls, "white women") have fallen for the hoax on American citizens that is Sarah Palin. Men even admit they will vote for her "because she is hot."

Is it remotely conceivable that in this day and age an extreme right wing , uninformed, uneducated, inexperienced, unthinking ("I never blinked") woman could be thrust into the White House? It's like a bad movie plot, but it's real. People are buying this.

Is it that we have become a country that evaluates the world from a "reality show" perspective? Do they think electing the next President of the United States is equivalent to choosing the next "American Idol?"

To me, this is terrifying. Can people truly believe that "fighting" (McCain's favorite word) for change will make it so? Hello - Who has been in charge the last 8 years? Or that having experience and credibility are liabilites? Or that NOT HAVING EXPERIENCE OR JUDGMENT IS A GOOD THING? God help us. The madness is overwhelming.

Look at where we are after 8 years of Republicans: 2 wars without end; a financial system in meltdown; joblessness; homelessness; the world hates us and no longer respects us; our own country's infrastructure is crumbling while we spend billions of dollars in Iraq because Bush-McCain think there can be "victory" in their war of choice. The Republicans have trashed our Constitution, turned us into an Orwellian state, destroyed our image in the world and any ideals and values (such as respect for human rights) that other countries once admired about the United States. Corruption scandals, sex scandals, humiliation (Alberto Gonzalez, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Abramoff); making us believe that torture is legitimate, that the Vice President is not part of the Executive Branch and therefore free to run amok?? The list goes on...

How can the average American not understand what Bush, Cheney (and Rumsfeld in his time) have wrought? They are a disgrace and a very clear and present danger. Bush should have been impeached years ago. How can Americans not understand the dangerous course chosen by Bush in the post 9-11 world? Why does he think "they hate us??" McCain Palin are MORE OF THE SAME. 4 MORE YEARS! Be afraid, be very afraid.

And now John McCain (in another Orwellian slam dunk) is trying to convince voters he is an agent of "change?" He believes in everything Bush believes in. And Palin takes it further.

So: what can we do? We must speak out. We must protest in our communities. We must write letters to the editor (I do and have been published). We must be visible and loud and get some attention! We must shake the electorate out of its STUPOR! We must inform and educate.

We need to start a movement called "Stop the Madness." The American electorate needs to open its eyes and clear its head. We need to tell the media to STOP idolizing the wolf in sheep's clothing that is Palin. People need to be reminded of WHAT IS AT STAKE. This is absolutely the most consequential election of my lifetime and yours. It is about the world my children will inherit.

I would like to start a movement called "THINKING WOMEN FOR OBAMA!" I am sick and tired of polls and the media assuming I should like Palin because we share similar anatomy. I am sick and tired of being lumped into a category like sheep. WOMEN HAVE BRAINS!

Let's make a playbook. Let's make a plan.

Let's find a way to get into our communities across the country to say: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! America: WE NEED A NEW WAY. DON'T BE FOOLED. The future of our country, and indeed the world, is at stake.

So there you have it. That is why I have started this blog. Please join me. Let's raise our voice as THINKING WOMEN FOR OBAMA!

I welcome your thoughts.


Woman for Obama said...

See also:

Woman for Obama said...

We are not alone! Click on the following link:

HappySoul said...

Dear Liz:

Thank you so much for your extremely clear essay on the current situation we are facing with McCain/Palin. I will definitely spread the word in my community in Phoenix, AZ and also to my home town friends in Southern California. Consider me a thinking woman FOR Obama.

Sincerely, Your Friend--Grace Jasmine

Unknown said...

Thank you for this posting Liz. Your blog mirrors my own thoughts, as did your recent letter to the Post. I have forwarded your link to friends and family--but this, I fear, is preaching to the choir. Apart from the appallingly irresponsible choice of Sarah Palin as a candidate for VP, it is sickening to watch the dark forces of the Republican party working to "swiftboat" Barack Obama in these remaining weeks.

Woman for Obama said...

Hi everyone. After less than 24 hours, I've had positive feedback from many of you. Thank you. I want to reassure those of you who don't know me that my goal with this site is to educate and inform voters, and to give women a voice of their own (not the voice the media or pollsters give us). I know I sounded harsh in parts of my original post, but we seriously need to be heard. Anyway, I am getting some good links and will post them.

Let's come up with some constructive ideas for making our voices heard, amid the "we love Sarah" frenzy. The campaign needs to get back to focusing on issues and we must demand that from the media.

Does anyone have any experience putting together rallies? I think a political rally would be great, and it could be done nationwide on a given day.

Here is a link that came my way: the biggest political rally ever in Alaska - an anti-Palin Rally!

Also, Tom Friedman's piece in the Sunday (September 14) New York Times is excellent.

Thanks for developing this forum with me. Let's get some ideas out there about how we can COLLECTIVELY be heard in our communities and around the country.

Karen said...

Wonderful essay! I would like to see groups of women start appearing outside of every Palin rally protesting with creative signs like those used at the Alaska rally. If someone could show up in a polar bear suit that would guarantee local media coverage.

How can we get a schedule of her upcoming events and then contact local women in that city to get out there and show the world that all women are not going ga-ga over Sarah?

Maybe we could chip in and buy one or two bear suits and then Fed-Ex it/them ahead to the next rally location? There are several online women's groups organizing that might supply volunteers and help us get the word out.

I'm in California and I doubt she'll show up here any time soon (we're a guaranteed Blue State), but I'd be happy to help coordinate the schedule. Let me know how to get in touch with you directly.

Gail Turner Brown said...

Liz and others,

Think about this for a moment.,

1. There is a universal law which states, "that which you think about with intensity and emotions is what you bring closest to you.'

That said, first and foremost get the thought of fear out of your mind. That what you fear, you will attract.

2. Let's take the thought of Sarah out of the forefront of our minds as well. We are giving her far too much energy.

3. John McCain is at the top of the ticket.. No one knows if he will be around for 4, 8, 2 or 20 years, therefore the thought must be if you do not like McCains policies and you believe that Obama is the best for the Presidency, then that is where we put our energy. Give Obama your positive thoughts of being the President instead of giving Palin your negative thoughts of not being the VP.

It feels much better to invision Obama as President than McCain as President.

4. We need to decide when, where, and a what time we want to form a rally,

5. We pretty much know that he will get MD/DC but VA is a swing state, so we do to do something there I believe.

6. Once decided, we need to gather emails, blogs, create flyers and text messages and begin to get out to everyone we know.

7. We then send press release to area media. Obama Campaign has a listed of all area media and will help with that.

8. I have a internet TV show will be hosting a show called "It's te Issues, Stupid! beginning next week. I can keep you informed as the exact day and time. I also belong to several other small business groups to get the word out. I would advise everyone to tap into the various organizations you belong to, churches, PTA, schools, clubs, etc.

9 Stay informed with other blogs and bloggers to obtain real info. Then we create bullet point flyers, postcards, etc of the FACTS no embellishments, just the facts.

What do you think of that for starters?

Gail Turner Brown said...

Liz et al,

Don't know if you've seen this but you can add this to your arsenal of information. The video is a little distrubing I need to warn.

"Polar Bears, Grizzly Bears and Wolves, oh my!

Gail Turner Brown said...

by the way, I also have a blog

Karen said...

Here are their upcoming events (thanks to Suzi in Chicago!):

Road to Victory Rally: Jacksonville, FL - September 15th
Join John McCain at a Road to Victory Rally in Jacksonville, FL on Monday, September 15th. Doors open at 6:00am.

Road to Victory Rally: Tampa, FL - September 16th
Join John McCain at a Road to Victory Rally in Tampa, FL on Tuesday, September 16th. Doors open at 9:30am.

September 18th Cedar Rapids, IA Rally
Join John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin for a Rally in Cedar Rapids, IA on Thursday, September 18th. The doors open at 8am.

Anybody have friends/relatives in Jacksonville, Tampa or Cedar Rapids? Let's get some folks outside these events with colorful signs. Maybe a polar bear suit could be procured, or at least bring along a pitbull!

This kind of controversy will guarantee local media attention and let the world know that not all women are falling for the Palin crap.

Woman for Obama said...

Now we're getting somewhere!

Awesome work getting the McCain scheduled. Thank you all.

We need a unified message, slogan, fact sheet and press release.

We need to debunk Sarah Palin and the myth that she has sewn up the women's vote. But we must also convey a positive message on the issues and why Obama/Biden must be elected to lead the nation.

We need like-minded women and men in all 50 states (or wherever they go) precisely to follow the McCain campaign around. I love the polar bear suit idea. Anyone have friends in PETA? How about wolves too, and moose?

We must FIGHT BACK against the stereotypes, pollsters and pundits who keep trying to convince the electorate that all women have fallen under the Palin spell. She is a hoax of the most cyncial sort.

I will work on a press release and fact sheet. I am a good writer and work quickly. Let's get some material up here to work with.

Please post your suggestions for rallying cry and handouts.

The facts speak for themselves. We don't need to embellish.

And I really do want a single, unified day of protest on September 27 across the country by women who insist on being heard.
I'm in Virginia, and yes, it it critical that we make a difference here.

Spread the word.

Karen said...

Here's a site where they have some sample press releases and are organizing events. They helped publicize the protest in Alaska:

They also have a rally scheduled tomorrow when Palin will be in Golden, Colorado. I hope they get some publicity.

That site might be a good place to plan events (they have an 'action') page.

Karen said...

I'm up for organizing a Sept. 27 event in my community! I bet I can find a polar bear suit, too.

JK said...

Women everywhere have alot to feel proud of about Sarah Palin. What a victory for women everywhere! This is the first time a woman has a good chance of being Vice-President.

The way alot of Americans see it, Sarah Palin has an equivalent amount of experience as Barack with more executive experience. And when you factor in John McCain's experience, the ticket is a no-brainer. This is without the winning stance that the McCain ticket has taken on energy and taxes.

Didn't the TV pictures of Sarah holding her baby Trig tug at American's hearts everywhere?

The post convention shifts really seem to show the break towards the Republican ticket. Have you seen how attractive the McCain Palin ticket is to women voters? Can you imagine how alot of sportsmen are going to vote in the battleground states like Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio?

Hillary's gotta be furious. It's looking like her campaigning for Obama has become for real now.